Android virus & malware on the rise

There are benefits that follow once something becomes popular and widely common in terms of gadgets and software, companies all over are trying to get the best market share, obviously it is good for the profit but could there be some negative aspects ? Remember when Microsoft was still the monopoly at the desktop OS market the virus targeted towards its OS Windows was the highest.

As technology trends towards portable ways for communication more people access email, facebook, twitter and other online services through their mobile phones rather than the traditional dektop computers.

The operating system market saw Android taking lead with 27% over IOS (Apple) running along with 19.5%.

Market share for Mobile OS

An increased in the amount of malware and virus targeted towards phone handsets running Android Google's OS has correlated with the increase of Androids market share.

According to Kaspersky news on their site ninety nine percent of all mobile threats were targeted towards Google's Android operating system running on phones.

As of the second quarter of 2012 the graph from kaspersky indicates a sharp increase in malware/virus.

Kaspersky graph on Malware levels

Search for business software became easier

Google search can give you all sorts of useful information, but sometimes you don't really get your intended search results which might be due to your incapability to properly add some filters or some sites which are not indexed in google's search results for unknown reasons. Unless you have some know how on adding somewhat advanced search filters on google's search but finding a software for your specific business or needs can be hard.

There are few services online which go through the lengthy process to index, categorize and review those informations. Some form of an online directory for business and the guys at Capterra they are one of those online services which did a smart way to find business.

Capterra categorizes most of the business from ranges of online accounting services to retail services, even farming softwares if you have a farm and need a software to manage your farm's resources (employee, assets, crops, animals).  You could be a doctor running a clinc and don't have a software to manage your basic business needs search their you could find that.

All softwares are categorized to ease the navigation in the site but you could search the site also to find your needs.

Capture network traffic to and from your PC

Having an linux distro (ubuntu in my case) it is easier to monitor traffic inbound and outbound from my pc and also other pc's connected on my network . There are softwares/applications which does that for you in a graphical user interface but I like to do it in the geeky way.

There applications such as Wireshark and ethereal but one i suggest  is TCPDump.

TCPDump comes pre-installed in your Ubuntu machine therefore accessing it will be from your terminal, just type tcpdump and it starts capturing traffic.

You have to know what interfaces are up and running on your PC/laptop. To do this just run # tcpdump -D which should show ethernet connection, wireless connection, loopback, and any. Normally if you are not using wireless choose ethernet interface which is eth0 OR eth1 depending on how many network cards the PC has.

You can give it some filters such as # tcpdump -c 10 -i eth0 which will only capture 10 packets.

If you have many people on your network and you know their ip address, somehow you got nosy and wanted to see what websites they are visiting just run tcpdump and add these filters to capture traffic from their specific ip address. Example if their ip address was you would type # tcpdump -i eth0 src and slowly you will see their traffic.

Later you can save your capture traffics to a file which later you can retrieve just run # tcpdump -w 1st.pcap -i eth0 file -w means write, 1st.pcap is your captured file and -i eth0 is the interface you capturing from.

You should try it out, its fun. Get more infor from the TCPdump site


Track any flights anytime anyware

As long as you have a specific flight number you can do that.

This company in Houston does all the hard-work for you.

What you need is an internet browser type in the address and you can monitor the specific flight you choose. You will be informed on when the flight should arrive and the departures.

There are apps for it in iTunes if you have an iPhone or iPad. Android user can access it via Google Play Store. This is good for those who are travelling often or have connectiing flights and need to check their connecting flights status. A convienient free service for travellers and saves time and resources.

Airline flight faults real issue

Flying has become quite unsafe , with  headlines of flights crashing or flights unexplained disappearance makes me wonder , especially with these Asian airlines.

Malaysian airlines (#MH370 & #MH17) and recently Air Asia #QZ8501 and recently #D7172 , luckyily that flight returned safe before anything worst could have happened.

Could we feel safe anymore flying... ?

Definetly hope so according to ICAO (International Civil Aviation Authority) one of their general responsibilities under their site stated they are responsible for "aviation security" and these responsibilities are again delegated to each regional representatives of the ICAO.

Interesting Bible site

I thought I'd share this bible site because I found it to be helpful
How helpful did I find it? example if I were to look for all bible verse which fall under certain categories I just search for that category, or in that context "label" and there it is.
If you were to preach a sermon researching the topics for your sermon would be easy when using .

sorry I posted this via my phone therefore couldn't edit the screen-capture image file below.