Android virus & malware on the rise

There are benefits that follow once something becomes popular and widely common in terms of gadgets and software, companies all over are trying to get the best market share, obviously it is good for the profit but could there be some negative aspects ? Remember when Microsoft was still the monopoly at the desktop OS market the virus targeted towards its OS Windows was the highest.

As technology trends towards portable ways for communication more people access email, facebook, twitter and other online services through their mobile phones rather than the traditional dektop computers.

The operating system market saw Android taking lead with 27% over IOS (Apple) running along with 19.5%.

Market share for Mobile OS

An increased in the amount of malware and virus targeted towards phone handsets running Android Google's OS has correlated with the increase of Androids market share.

According to Kaspersky news on their site ninety nine percent of all mobile threats were targeted towards Google's Android operating system running on phones.

As of the second quarter of 2012 the graph from kaspersky indicates a sharp increase in malware/virus.

Kaspersky graph on Malware levels

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